Coronavirus Update

Important update announced 2nd July 2020 on what is allowed from Saturday 4th July 2020 • Vessels already moored in the Harbour can now be used for overnight stays. Those staying on board need to ensure they comply with the social distancing measures and stay overnight only with those from their home within their own […]

Coronavirus Update

Whilst the government has announced changes to relaxations to the hospitality sector and partly the social distancing measures, Wells Harbour Authority is yet to receive the information required for us to assess the implications in detail so as to understand our response and how other Harbour users currently impacted by the restrictions. may also be […]

2020 Triathlon Cancelled

We regret to inform you that after long consideration, we have decided to cancel this year’s event. Many of you will know that the Harbour has implemented a number of measures to allow the Harbour to reopen for leisure activities but the number of people that attend the Triathlon, in such a confined area, cannot […]

Further Important Updates

Important update announced 14th May 2020 For recreational users The slipways will be opened from 18th May for launching. In order to maintain social distancing, only one boat/trailer will be allowed on the slipway at any one time. When launching you must maintain social distancing. The Harbour team will be available to launch vessels from […]

Key Points to Harbour Use

Recreational use of vessels already moored in the Harbour for the owners personal use with members of their own household from Saturday 16th May is allowed. Windsurfing, canoeing, rowing, kayaking, paddle-boarding and swimming from Saturday 16th May is allowed subject to the Harbourmaster Directions. Please respect social distancing measures. The Slipways, Pontoons & Facilities barge […]

Important Update

CORONAVIRUS NOTICE TO ALL PORT USERS 13th May 2020 The British Ports Association and the UK Harbour Masters’ Association have now received guidance from Defra this morning on green spaces which indicates that boating on the water is possible in England. The guidance states: “all forms of water sports practiced on open waterways, including sailing, […]

Coronavirus Update

NOTICE TO ALL PORT USERS We have been following the Government’s advice in respect of Coronavirus and are putting measures in place to limit risks to port users, our staff, emergency services and the public. Although the Government is now easing certain aspects of the lockdown in England, there is not yet any specific advice […]

Coronavirus Update

We have been following the Government’s advice in respect of Coronavirus and have measures in place to limit risks to port users, our staff, emergency services and the public. As the country moves towards the easing of certain provisions of the lockdown there will be an understandable interest from many leisure users who want to […]

Coronavirus Update

This week the Harbour Commissioners have had several enquiries from organisations and members of the public wanting to use the harbour for leisure purposes. On the 26th March, Parliament passed new legislation giving the Home Secretary new powers to request Port closures, however currently the Government guidelines is to keep Ports open for commercial activities.The […]

Notice to Mariners

Mariners are advised that Wells Harbour Commissioners request that all yachts and other recreational vessels DO NOT VISIT THE PORT OF WELLS during the current outbreak of the virus COVID19. Unfortunately during this unprecedented situation all the harbour leisure facilities will be closed. We are responding to Government advice to avoid all but essential travel, […]