Latest News from Port of Wells

Key Points to Harbour Use

Harbour Office Opening Times

Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday
9:00 am – 10:00 am
The Harbour Master, or staff on duty, will be present on the tide during peak season (beginning of June to end of August).  For the remainder of the year (September to end of May), a VHF listening watch will be maintained.


For emergencies in or around the harbour and coast, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.  At sea, call Humber Coastguard, VHF Ch.16.

  • Recreational use of vessels already moored in the Harbour for the owners personal use with members of their own household from Saturday 16th May is allowed.
  • Windsurfing, canoeing, rowing, kayaking, paddle-boarding and swimming from Saturday 16th May is allowed subject to the Harbourmaster Directions. Please respect social distancing measures.
  • The Slipways, Pontoons & Facilities barge will remain closed until further notice.
  • Wells harbour can be used only by recreational vessels which are based on a mooring/berth in Wells harbour. Visiting vessels are not allowed.
  • Under no circumstances is anyone to stay on their boat overnight.
  • Gillying against the Harbour wall is allowed providing social distancing measures are followed.
  • The Car park will be open providing social distancing measures are followed.
  • The boatyard will be open on a limited basis. Only bookings made at the harbour office in advance.
  • The Harbour Office will be open on reduced hours and subject to social distancing measures. We would request people telephone or e-mail instead.

We will endeavour to update the key points as the information and understanding develops.

We do ask for everyone to act responsibly especially for your own safety so as to limit the chance of requiring assistance from the Emergency services and/or the Harbour team who would have to compromise social distancing.